We can change your life! But don’t take our word for it…
+ 131,825 participants have increased their effectiveness performance influence
+ effectiveness in less time
0 %
+ fast-acting and decision-making
0 %
+ impact and influence
0 %

Glenn Simpkin
General Manager
Metromix Quarries & Concrete
Metromix Quarries & Concrete
I have had the great opportunity to utilise the Interactifs training to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of my Team’s communication. The Interactifs Discipline has enabled them to be more productive in their everyday meetings and conversations and build better quality professional relationships as a result. I have no hesitation recommending Steve Sheppard and this unique training and coaching, especially in these challenging times.
Helped me identify internal barriers that need to be overcome so that I can have greater impact and influence on difficult situations.

Angela Hill
Contract Administrator
Menard Oceania
Menard Oceania

Thierry Morin
Head of ANZ Value Advisory
SAP Australia
SAP Australia
I completed the Interactifs training over 10 years ago and still apply its core principles on a daily basis. The Interactifs discipline has had a profound and highly positive impact on the way I build and nurture relationships. Unlearning many habits and the implicit assumptions we make when communicating with other people, is both a challenging and rewarding process, which continuously pays off in both a professional and private setting. The keys it has provided me have proven invaluable in helping me become more effective in my communication and build stronger relationships; whoever you are dealing with in your job – customers, partners, colleagues… – I believe anyone would benefit greatly from this training.
The training will help me better plan for critical meetings and conversations leading to better outcomes and greater clarity.

James Bertram
Account Manager
Rijk Zwaan Australia
Rijk Zwaan Australia

Scott Flaxman
Director, Research & Insights
Interactifs training is awesome, it has the substance to streamline conversations and produce quicker outcomes.
Great, very informative and helpful in training me to think differently and approach challenging conversations differently.

Paul Beauchamp
Construction Manager
Edgewater Homes
Edgewater Homes

Jamie Mulholland
Senior Manager
Formerly EY, now at
Macquarie Group
Formerly EY, now at
Macquarie Group