Half training, half coaching… whether it’s one or the other, we guarantee a highly immersive educational experience.

conducted in the participants’ native language, in the spirit of ‘act local’

a combination of face-to-face and distance learning, of group and individual learning

filmed practice based on participants’ real-life business situations

simple and immediately applicable tools

90% of the time spent on practice rather than on theory

a fine balance between being kind and being demanding, between granting licence and imposing rigour

Session 1

Face-to-face training with a first trainer (for a maximum of 8 people)

Duration: 2-3 days

Telephone coaching

2 individual telephone follow-up sessions with a second trainer

Duration: 2 x 1 hour

Session 2

Face-to-face training with a third trainer (for a maximum of 8 people)

Duration: 2 days

Get in touch
to ask us anything

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